
Showing posts from August, 2019

The Grasshopper And The Ant

original by Jean de La Fontaine edited by Caleb Chua Hak Seng   The Grasshopper was singing in the summer. Ms. Ant and her team were busy carrying food to their home, for winter is coming.   Mr. Hardwork, the leader of the Ants, warned him: "Mr. Grasshopper, you should collect food for winter! Or you will starve in winter!". The Grasshopper didn't care, he just wanted to be happy and enjoyed his life.   Now it was winter. The land was covered with snow. Mr. Grasshopper was cold and hungry, but there was no food in his cupboard. He went to the ants for help.   Mr. Hardwork was sleeping, but Ms. Ant wasn't asleep, so the Grasshopper went to her and said: "Please give me some food and I promise to return.".   Ms. Ant laughed, "What did you do when it's summer?" sneered Ms. Ant "You were singing, right ?" she laughed and  laughed, Grasshopper was ashamed and he left.   Mr. Hardwork was awoke, he heard Ms. Ant laugh...


一個月前,我的爸爸去馬來甘榜買了兩輛二手脚車,一輛給我,一輛給妹妹。我的脚车 蓝色 的,我妹妹的腳車是 綠色 的。我的比較大,她的比較小。   回到家時🏠,我急著去樓下九(9)樓的公園練習。開始的時候,我一直跌倒,不能控制平衡 ,感覺自己搖搖欲墜,有點失望。   當我要放棄的時候,媽媽會在我旁邊鼓勵我,叫我繼續練習。 練習時,我的脚車就是不要平衡(因爲我沒有踩),一直倒下,幸好我腿長,不能直接跌到地板。通過不斷的練習,我終於學會了脚踏車。開始的時候,我還是需要靠著墻壁,保持平衡,才能開始走。我在練習多几次,就不用再靠著墻壁了! 謝謝爸爸買脚車給我,謝謝媽媽鼓勵我。