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Grandpa's funny story

Author: Caleb Chua  On a place far away, away from towns and cities, lived a happy family. There are four cute children in this family: Peter Harrison, Edmund Harrison, Susan Harrison, and Lucy Harrison.  They had a old grandfather, who could not see things clearly.   One cold winter morning, the children sat beside the warm fireplace with their grandpa. They were bored.   "Oh grandpa! May you they us a story, please?" asked Edmund, " we are bored staying indoors." The kind grandpa smiled and answered, "Yes yes, dear little children, I will tell a story. Which story do you want?" "Er.... which story is the best?" said Lucy softly, as she walked across the old, wooden bookshelf, "Ah! The Three Little Pigs ! " "Alright, Lucy, sit down. Once upon a time," said the old man, "there were 3 young pigs. They wanted to build a house for themselves. The dog."  "NO!" interrupted Susan, " It...

African Crocodile

African Crocodile   A frican Crocodile are one of the largest living reptiles,, they look like dinosaurs that lived a long time ago. The crocodiles have a big brown body and a long strong tail. They also have a big, wide mouth with sharp teeth to hunt their prey.    African Crocodile spend most of their daytime basking in hot sun. In the evening, they move down to the cool, muddy water and rest     Like all living things, crocodiles have to eat. Smaller     crocodiles eat fish, but larger crocodiles eat animals. The bigger crocs lies motionless in the riverbank. When an antelope or other animals comes for a drink, the crocodiles grab the animals' heads or legs with their jaws and pull their preys into the river, drowning and tearing the poor animal apart. I think it is a good way to hunt. They are fierce, but clever when hunting preys.   Crocodiles reproduce, too. Mother crocodiles dig a shallow pit on the riverbank and lays their ...


  B lood is important to our body, it carries oxygen and nutrient to all parts of our bodies so that they can keep working. Human can't live without blood. Without blood, we die. There are three types of cells in our body, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.   Red blood cells are the most abundant type of cell in human body, accounting over 80% of all cells. The shape of red blood cells are normally constant, and is about 6~8 μm in diameter. Their main job is to carry oxygen from the lungs to the body tissues and carbon dioxide away from the body tissues to the lungs. They also deliver nutrients to our body tissues.   The white blood cells are much bigger than the red blood cells, they are 5~17 μm and are white. White blood cells help fight infections and ingest matter, such as dead cells, tissue debris, and old red blood cells. They also protect you from foreign bodies that enters your blood stream.   The smallest cell in our blood is the platelets, i...


  Epiphyllum is a species of cactus that blooms rarely and only at niIndiaght. The flower wilts before da. It is one of most cultivated species in the Genus, E. Oxypetalum.   In  India, it is called "Iruludavare" in Kannada, meaning "night lotus", it is also called "Brahma Kamalam" in Sanskrit, after the god of creation, Brahma. It is called "Gulebakavali" in Ancient Tamil, "Kadupul" in San Lanka.     The Chinese Chengyu (成语), 昙花一现 (tan hua yi xian), describe a person who has an impressive moment of glory, but it is very brief. This Chinese Chengyu mentioned about epipllum.


   Pandas are cute animals created by God on the sixth day of creation. God created them so that they can increase in number and fill the earth. They are mammals that have white and black fur.    Pandas live in the bamboo forest in central China. They are national animals of China. Pandas feed on bamboo shoots and roots. A panda can eat 12kg of bamboo a day!! Sometimes, pandas will hunt for mice and fish to eat. Pandas are one of the endangered animals. Their home, the bamboo forests, are used for cities. Their food, bamboo plants, are reducing. We should be good steward of God and protect the pandas. 

Antoine Lavosier

    A ntoine Lavoisier was born on August 26,1743, in Paris. He was a French nobleman and a chemist. Jean Antoine, the father of Lavoisier, was a lawyer in the French Parliament.  Antoine Lavoisier's mother, Émilie Punctis, was a butcher.   Lavoisier was the first and only son of the wealthy family. He studied at Collège des Quatre-Nations and University of Paris in 1754, at the age of eleven, and studied chemistry, botany, astronomy, and mathematic.   In 1778, Antoine discovered oxygen. He discovered hydrogen in 1783 and also discovered that water is not an element. Water is made of hydrogens and oxygen. In 1787, he discover silicon.   Antoine Lavoisier was guillotined on May 8, 1794, during the French Revolution's Reign of Terror. He was executed because he was a tax-collected of the government. Antoine Lavoisier, at the age of fifty years old, was guillotined with his father-in-law.