African Crocodile

African Crocodile

  African Crocodile are one of the largest living reptiles,, they look like dinosaurs that lived a long time ago. The crocodiles have a big brown body and a long strong tail. They also have a big, wide mouth with sharp teeth to hunt their prey.

   African Crocodile spend most of their daytime basking in hot sun. In the evening, they move down to the cool, muddy water and rest

    Like all living things, crocodiles have to eat. Smaller     crocodiles eat fish, but larger crocodiles eat animals. The bigger crocs lies motionless in the riverbank. When an antelope or other animals comes for a drink, the crocodiles grab the animals' heads or legs with their jaws and pull their preys into the river, drowning and tearing the poor animal apart. I think it is a good way to hunt. They are fierce, but clever when hunting preys.

  Crocodiles reproduce, too. Mother crocodiles dig a shallow pit on the riverbank and lays their eggs in the pit. They cover the eggs with sand and guards them well. When their eggs hatched, their moms dig away the sand and set them free. Those crocodile moms are good mothers, they take good care of their babies.

  God is wise and powerful, He created the crocodiles wonderfully and protects them.



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