Grandpa's funny story
Author: Caleb Chua On a place far away, away from towns and cities, lived a happy family. There are four cute children in this family: Peter Harrison, Edmund Harrison, Susan Harrison, and Lucy Harrison. They had a old grandfather, who could not see things clearly. One cold winter morning, the children sat beside the warm fireplace with their grandpa. They were bored. "Oh grandpa! May you they us a story, please?" asked Edmund, " we are bored staying indoors." The kind grandpa smiled and answered, "Yes yes, dear little children, I will tell a story. Which story do you want?" "Er.... which story is the best?" said Lucy softly, as she walked across the old, wooden bookshelf, "Ah! The Three Little Pigs ! " "Alright, Lucy, sit down. Once upon a time," said the old man, "there were 3 young pigs. They wanted to build a house for themselves. The dog." "NO!" interrupted Susan, " It...